Workshops and Circles

“When you recover or discover something that nourishes your soul and brings joy,
care enough about yourself to make room for it in your life.”

Jean Shinoda Bolen

Here at Lut’s we offer workshops and circles throughout the year to support people in having fun, learning, connecting, celebrating and increasing self-awareness.

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Meet, greet, connect and have fun.

We offer workshops such as flower arranging, cooking, baking, poetry and more.

Want to make your experience last longer? Take a look at our B&B rooms, book in for a night (or two) and make you experience last longer.



A circle is universal, sacred and divine. It represents the infinite nature of energy, and the inclusivity of the universe.

Sharing and Caring Circles

We gather together in circle sometimes with a centralised theme and sometimes with no plan or agenda at all. Circles give us the safe container for sharing, being and learning.

I belief we all have healing capacities we can tap into to heal ourselves and to help others heal too. This could be by listening to others, sharing our stories, using simple and gentle techniques, move a little…. It all allows us to connect with all that’s inside and telling us how to feel good, to take care for and to move forward.

In circle together we create a safe container to connect with ourselves, each other and all there is.

Occasional we may also share or swop physical things too. There are enough ‘things’ in the world, we don’t need to buy everything new, we can swap, revalue and up-cycle, be it recipes, books, seeds, clothes, home items etc.

Circles can be ‘open’ (anyone can attend) or ‘closed’ (a select group of people can attend).

We’d love to welcome you at one of our circles.

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